The 7 Deadly Sins Most People
Commit When Buying an
Adjustable Memory Foam Bed...
and How to Avoid Them!
Armed with this Information, You'll Fear No Adjustable Memory Foam Bed Salesman
My intention is to give you solid information that will help you select a quality adjustable memory foam bed. Also, if you come across a saleswoman who's being less than honest with you, you'll be able to say, "Go ahead, make my day!"
If you find this information useful, and you put it to use, I will have accomplished my goal.
The points on this page are the result of thousands of phone calls. These answers to the 7 deadly sins were compiled while on those calls with people who were looking for information on how to select a good adjustable memory foam bed.
They wanted one that would not only give them the great night's sleep they craved, but would also provide them with years of trouble-free service.
Realizing that I could never speak with everyone who was struggling with these same questions, I decided to write this report called The 7 Deadly Sins Most People Commit When Buying an Adjustable Memory Foam Bed and How to Avoid Them!
Don't assume that all adjustable beds are the same. There are many features that you should be aware of prior to purchasing, or you might be very unhappy with the bed you receive.
Okay, let's get started!
Sin #1: Not insisting that your adjustable bed has a "wall hugger" feature
The term "wall hugger" means that as you raise the head of your bed, it "hugs" (or moves you back toward) the headboard or wall. Even when you are in the most upright position, you remain close to the wall and your nightstand.
Obviously, without this feature, the upper 1/2 of your bed just raises straight up and leaves you sitting in the middle of your bed, with a space of 12" to 24" between you and the wall. Your pillows tend to fall behind the bed and if you sit the bed back down, your pillows are now under the bed.
Also, you can't reach your nightstand, when you're this far from the wall. It's not the end of the world, but it's really inconvenient.
Wall hugger beds, with the additional engineering and parts, require a bit more investment, but they're well worth it.
Sin #2: Not checking whether the motors are AC or DC
DC motors, though they work on lower voltages, are just as powerful as AC motors.
DC motors are generally more expensive to manufacture and they're also extremely quiet when you operate them, unlike AC motors which are noisy.
Again, it requires a small increase in your investment to get an adjustable bed with DC motors, but you won't wake your sleep partner each time you raise or lower your bed—and that's got to be worth something, right?
Sin #3: Not checking the warranty information
Warranties on adjustable bed bases vary a lot so it's important to check the warranty information to see what the policies are for in-home versus returning the unit and who pays shipping, etc.
Returning an adjustable bed base can be very expensive, and I'm sure some companies count on you not wanting to pay the shipping so they won't have to perform the work under warranty.
Many of the better adjustable bases carry in-home warranties that cover parts and labor for at least the first year. Some offer extended warranties for parts and in-home service. Extended warranties can increase the warranty up to 5 years.
Even though most of the better adjustable bases have good coverage, you should still carefully read what they will do for you and what they expect you to do, who will pay for what, and so on. It will be time well spent.
Sin #4: Settling for an old-fashioned control with a wire
A better-quality adjustable memory foam bed will have a wireless remote control. Some even have a "lighted" remote control which is visible in the dark so you don't have to turn the light on in the middle of the night to adjust your bed up or down.
This gives you much more flexibility in movement than an old-fashioned remote that's got a wire hanging off of it. Those type of remotes belong in hospitals, not in your bedroom.
Sin #5: Buying an adjustable bed with a "coil spring" mattress
Springs transfer motion when your sleep partner moves around and they create pressure points on your body that cut off circulation. For the most part, they are poor at giving support to the different parts of our bodies that need it.
Let's face it, springs are uncomfortable enough on a flat bed. On an adjustable bed, they are sheer insanity.
Imagine a bunch of coil springs being folded as your bed raises. They fold into each other and create a wadded up knot.
How can anyone expect you to sleep on something like that, much less sit on it to read or watch TV?
What a welcome relief to the adjustable bed industry when the memory foam mattress was developed! It's a perfect match.
Memory foam will conform readily to all of the changes in shape of your adjustable base and be more comfortable to sit or lay on.
Insist on an Adjustable Memory Foam Bed with a high-quality memory foam mattress.
Sin #6: Not ensuring that the memory foam mattress on your adjustable bed has proper density
Memory foam is most ideal for evenly supporting the human body when the density is from 5.3 lb. to 5.9 lb.
The way density is measured in memory foam isn't rocket science.
First of all, you cut a 12" cube of material out and weigh it on a scale. The weight of that cube determines the density of the material. If it weighs 5.3 lbs., then it has a density of 5.3, and so on.
The cheaper foams weigh less because they have more air pockets in them. They won't support your body as evenly as the denser foams and they won't last as long as the denser material.
This doesn't mean it's not a good buy if you get the less dense foam; it just pays to know the difference.
It will be a trade off of a lower price today for replacing your mattress sooner and maybe not getting quite as comfortable a night's sleep in the meantime.
Sin #7: Not getting a "temperature-sensitive" memory foam adjustable bed
Yes, you can buy foam mattresses that are advertised as memory foam but aren't temperature-sensitive memory foam.
One of the unique benefits of memory foam is it's temperature sensitivity.
When you first lie down on a memory foam mattress, your weight causes the mattress to "melt away" from where your body is putting pressure on it. Your body is then evenly supported over the entire surface that it's touching.
That's why you don't have any pressure points with memory foam, unlike the other types of mattresses that you could choose.
The other mattresses all create pressure points which cut off circulation and cause you to toss and turn all night trying to get your blood flowing again.
After you lay on a temperature-sensitive memory foam mattress for a while, your body temperature starts to warm the mattress and it softens under you—creating an even more pleasant sleeping experience.
Not only do you benefit from increased circulation, you often wake up in the same position as when you went to sleep.
No matter which memory foam adjustable bed you finally decide on, you'll benefit by not committing these 7 deadly sins.